Steps to a new job...
1. Apply (mostly online now-a-days)
2. Create a resume (which is also online, coincidentally)
3. Send resume out to millions of employers (thank you cut and paste!)
4. Waaaiiiitttt for the calls
5. Schedule the interview
6. Find silly looking clothes that somehow make people take you seriously (see example on left)
7. Yahoo maps the address (yes, I abhor google maps!)
8. Put on a smile and show them you're the best for the job
Yes, I am on the job hunt. A trivial time in one's life. Sending millions of people your contact in hopes that one of them will call back. Then there is my unusual predicament, getting called back over and over by the same company who really wants to hire me but for some reason, I can't get find myself becoming passionate about financial advising. It is also a different experience to look for a job when you have a degree. Its no longer walk into Target and ask for an application. One big question is then left unanswered... If a job requires 2 years of experience in their field, how in the world are you supposed to get experience if everyone wants experience to hire!? Anyone??