For the sake of straying from the thus far, strictly dance oriented page, I would like to comment on this summer. Specifically Friday August 11, 2006. This marks the end of summer #7 at Indian Hills Camp but it was different than the previous "last-day-of-camp-blues". This year, the day brought on the same melancholy lull that leaves me tired and sad, yet satisfied, but there is more. It was not the end for, AH-HA, Mexico is just 2 days away. The second part of this "last-day-of-camp-blues" was the rain that came during our staff meeting. To me it was particularly ironic because a saying in Kauai is "If it rains the day you leave, you have to come back." So, the fact that it rained may be omenous for many people. Overall, the summer was unlike any other summer, but every summer is different, so this did not strike me as odd or out of place. The cool thing about this summer was the various forms of "skopeo". As a support staff, we are taught to use this word in a serving sense "scoping-out" where you can serve others. For myself, it was playing different roles in camp this summer: wrangler, counselor, nurse and photographer (photo taken by Yours Truly). However, skopeo brought on another context as I was "scoping-out" the different means in which the Holy Spirit communicates with us. Summing these contexts up would, I suppose, result in a general awareness of the Counselor, i.e. "epignosis". *Light Bulb* So thats what it means.... Funny that Curley would speak on the venues in which humans are aware, on the last morning of summer camp. Coincidence? I think not... but that's just my opinion.
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