Whoever said wearing corsets is out of fashion is misguided. The last semester I spent time in Old Town San Diego, playing Mrs. Augusta Barrett, the second schoolmarm of Mason St. School. The best part? The hoop skirt and corset. Yeah. First of all, being the only girl intern gets me out of lifting hay bales :). I got to create and run historic games of the fourth grade students who visited every week. And once, I dressed as the green fairy. (For a restaurant opening) And now a little excerpt from a conversation with fourth graders one morning...
TEACHER: Are you guys running games today?
ME: Yes
TEACHER: ok guys follow these funny dressed people.
GIRL STUDENT: What are you supposed to be?
ME: We're people (I was walking with another intern). What are you?
GIRL STUDENT: I'm a person.
ME: oh so we're the same.
GIRL STUDENT: No, your people, I'm a person.
BOY STUDENT: Apparently your in the wrong era.
ME: YOUR in the wrong era!
TEACHER: Ok guys we need to let them set up and come back later.
Yeah, kids say the darndest things. Oh, picture relevancy, thats the real Augusta Barrett.