First off, the grammatical structure of my title must be noted as evidence that I have just proof-read an essay and am contemplating whether or not the first and last word should be capitalized (as is the rules for titles). Or does the title line of blogspot.com just suggest its the first line of the blog, in which case the last word should not be capitalized. Yeah enough with that. I just finished my last paper as an undergraduate. I officially have no more college work to be done. And paradoxically, it is a bit sad, even though I am jumping for joy. For the last 16+ years of my life, all I have known has been deemed legit by the schedule of a school year. Now what do I do, go to work, come home and not write out that 6 page essay I had put off? Life as I know it will change dramatically, and all because of that one little (ok so its pretty big!) thing called school that most people can't wait to get out of! Oh and the picture, my last paper was on Cleopatra (as stated in my previous blog), so I felt a tribute must be paid. Cool fact: I actually cited this book a lot in my paper! So life now... I guess I will have to wait and see!!
That topic sounds so interesting! Could you post your paper??
It's every word that's supposed be capitalized, except silly little words like the or an or or, and most small prepositions. "Where Do We Go from Here?"
Thus sayeth the English major.
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