SNOW DAY! I am so glad the rest of the car decided to get out when I suggested we pull over. Jordan was hesitant and of course threatened if any of us should throw a snowball her direction. Yeah, she got hit with one. But the funtivities (yeah its a word!) didn't stop. Many picture opportunities were seized, including laying on my back in the snow. This resulted in a very numb lower back. Upon reaching Julian, we realized most the shops we wanted to see *cough Cider Mill* were closed. But the Candy Basket brought some wonderful treats! And free fudge :) As well as the best picture spot a girl could ask for (right next to the "Pistols and Petticoats" sign).
The following day was spent not in the snow, but the ER. Seeing as I suffered a head injury a few days before, and my nausea had not gone away, I figured it was time to get it checked. After getting lost on the way to an 11 story UCSD medical center in the middle of Hillcrest (blame it on Yahoo maps), I sat in a waiting room for far too long, kept company by my wonderful boyfriend, along with the other patients, a man who was rolling his own cigarettes in the corner and a woman who's purse cockle-doodle do-ed. No pictures of this, unfortunately (right, like I would let a camera in while I lay with a head injury in an ER bed), but the day, in all its waiting glory, turned out some pretty interesting stories. Like my male (?) nurse and the guy across the hall yelling profanities at the TV. Did I mention it was the day of the Chargers v. Broncos game? All in all, conclusion here, after a head CT, is that I had a mild concussion and slight swelling in the area of my injury (above my right eye) causing nausea and headaches (which is why the Charger game wasn't on in my room).
The work part: Upon calling in sick the morning I went in to ER, I was reminded several times how its my responsibility to find someone to cover my shift. Might I mention I called in at 8:30 that morning, ONE hour before my shift. And that had I known I was headed to the ER the day before, I would have gotten the shift covered. But getting a call from my manager 2 hours after I had left her a message, asking where I was, did not turn out so well. After telling her I was in the ER, she continued to remind me how I need to get my shift covered. The icing on this wonderful fruitcake? I got an e-mail from the assistant manager a day later saying that the manager believed there was some miscommunication in how calling in sick (or ER bed-ridden apparently) has to be handled. Conclusion here... anyone hiring?
The Subway's gone? Did anything take it's place?
Hopefully a teaching job works out for ya soon - and that you can then keep your camera too! The second I get word our hiring freeze is over I'll pass on the news and put in a good word...
See? I'm not the only one devastated by the loss of the Julian Subway.
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